
Dillon Rogers is the muscle behind Tidewater Sports Therapy. He carries a Bachelor of Science from Liberty University and is a Massage Therapist certified in Active Release Techniques® with training from NFL athletic injury providers. To supplement his work he is also certified in Functional Movement Screenings and Therabody for use of percussion therapy.

Dillon has had the opportunity to work with athletes and individuals of all kinds including Ben Smith, CrossFit’s 2015 Fittest Man on Earth and Laura Horvath, CrossFit’s 2021 Second Fittest Woman on Earth. Although he has extensive experience with CrossFit athletes, he has also worked with varying other sports such as powerlifting, baseball, golf, basketball, soccer, weightlifting, running, and more.

Not only does Dillon love working with athletes, but as a father, husband, and friend, Dillon saw the need to alleviate pain not only in an athletic capacity but also in our daily lives. Think: gardening, walking the dogs, carrying children, playing with grandchildren, and varying daily functions. Many of Dillon’s family and friends would talk about living with pain even after years of various types of treatments. This was yet another reason for the dream of Tidewater Sports Therapy. A place not only athletes could find respite, but a place that can treat the pains that people figure they have to live with. Let us be the first to tell you, you don’t. Let us remind you, you can be an athlete at all ages! Don’t let your pain hinder you from getting out and doing the things you love.
